Government of Saint Lucia

Tax Clearance Letter - Individuals

Description: The financial institutions of St. Lucia require that you produce a Tax Clearance certificate from the Inland Revenue Department in order for certain applications to be considered.
Category: Taxation
Office: Inland Revenue Department
Deadline Date: None
Processing Time: 1 - 3 business days
Fee: None
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Process: You are required to walk with proper identification when coming in to request the clearance. If you have not filed income tax returns you are to first submit any outstanding returns before a request for the Clearance Letter can be made. All outstanding taxes should be paid. If you are unable to clear your tax arrears balance you would be referred to a collections officer to make satisfactory arrangements to clear your balance.
  • If you are making the request on behalf of an other individual you are required to walk with a letter of authorization and the ID card of the individual.

  • If you are requesting a Letter on behalf of an individual oversees you must walk with a copy of the Power of Attorney.

  • Requirements: The main requirement for obtaining a Tax Clearance Certificate is to ensure that one’s filing is up-to-date and there is no tax due or outstanding.
    Notes: The main requirement for obtaining a Tax Clearance Certificate is to ensure that one’s filing is up-to-date and there is no tax due or outstanding.