Government of Saint Lucia

File Individual Tax return

Description: Every resident individual who is in receipt of income of over $17,400 in any year must file an annual tax return for the previous financial year (January to December). All self-employed individuals, notwithstanding the amount of the income or loss. must also file -individuals in this case include taxi and mini-bus owners or drivers, doctors, mechanics, shopkeepers, vendors, lawyers, hairdressers, shopowners, contractors, etc.
Category: Taxation
Office: Inland Revenue Department
Deadline Date: March 31st
Processing Time: Varies
Fee: None
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Process: The completed Individual Tax Return form together with the requisite supporting documentation must be submitted to the department by the deadline date. Please see the website of the department for further details
Requirements: None
Notes: The completed Individual Tax Return form together with the requisite supporting documentation must be submitted to the department by the deadline date. Please see the website of the department for further details