Government of Saint Lucia

VAT registration

Description: Businesses exceeding the threshold for taxable supplies must register with the VAT section of the Inland Revenue department as a VAT - Registered business.
Category: Taxation
Office: Inland Revenue Department, VAT Section
Deadline Date: None
Processing Time: within 15 working days of receipt
Fee: None
Hours: 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Process: The applicant must submit the completed application form together with any other information required by the Controller.
Requirements: Businesses trading in taxable supplies must within ten (10) days, register with the VAT Section of Inland Revenue Department if their taxable supplies or sales (goods and services) meet or exceed the threshold of ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($180,000). Additionally, businesses must regi
Notes: Businesses trading in taxable supplies must within ten (10) days, register with the VAT Section of Inland Revenue Department if their taxable supplies or sales (goods and services) meet or exceed the threshold of ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ($180,000). Additionally, businesses must register if in the first three months of trading their taxable supplies exceed in the previous twelve months or less; or is expected to meet or exceed the threshold at the beginning of any period of three hundred and sixty - five days