Government of Saint Lucia

Renew a Trade Licence

Description: A trade licence is required by non-national Companies and non-CARICOM citizens to engage in trade in Saint Lucia or to sell any merchandise or goods of any sort in any building or place.
Category: Import/Export
Office: Commerce and Industry
Deadline Date: None
Processing Time: Varies (see Notes)
Fee: EC$500.00 (where average stock does not exceed EC$10,000); EC$1000 in all other cases.
Hours: 8:30 a.m - 4:30 p.m.
Process: The applicant submits the completed Trade Licence renewal form, together with any required supporting documentation and fees,to the Advisory Board at the address specified in the form.
  • This process is applicable for non-national Companies and non-CARICOM citizens only.

  • Notes:
  • This process is applicable for non-national Companies and non-CARICOM citizens only.