Government of Saint Lucia

File Annual Return for a non-External Company

Description: A company shall, not later than April 1 in each year after its incorporation, file its annual return containing the prescribed information made up to 31 December of the previous year. A non-external company means any local firm or other body of persons, that is formed under the laws of Saint Lucia.
Category: Business/Commerce
Office: Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property
Deadline Date: April 1st
Processing Time: One (1) business day
Fee: EC$25.00
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  1. Complete the prescribed Annual Return for a Company form (Form 28) in duplicate.

  2. Submit the completed forms and requisite processing fee to the Registry

  3. The applicant collects the processed form from the Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property.

  • Only a director or an officer of the company shall sign the submitted annual return of the company.

  • The form shall be completed in duplicate.

  • The company seal must be affixed at the bottom of the form.

  • Notes:
  • Only a director or an officer of the company shall sign the submitted annual return of the company.

  • The form shall be completed in duplicate.

  • The company seal must be affixed at the bottom of the form.