Government of Saint Lucia

Company Name Search and Reservation

Description: This process is for reservation of a company name or for checking the availability of the name. One copy of the form will be returned to the applicant indicating the result of the search, and should be included in the documents submitted as part of the process of incorporating the company. If the name has been reserved then the form does not need to be submitted with the incorporation documents.
Category: Business/Commerce
Office: Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property
Deadline Date: None
Processing Time: Two (2) business days
Fee: EC$25.00
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  1. Complete the prescribed Company Name Search and Reservation form (Form 26) in duplicate. Applicants can also search the online database of company and business names at the department's web site to determine whether a particular name is available, however final approval of all names rests with the Registrar.

  2. Submit the completed forms and requisite processing fee (if name reservation is required) to the Registry

  3. The applicant collects the processed form from the Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property.

  • The form shall be completed in duplicate.

  • Notes:
  • The form shall be completed in duplicate.