Government of Saint Lucia

Business Name search

Description: A 'business' is the name under which business is carried on by an individual or firm. In searching for a business name you can verify the business name you have selected is available. If the business name is available and approved by the Registrar that business name is held for up to thirty (30) business days. During that period you must apply to register the business.
Category: Business/Commerce
Office: Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property
Deadline Date: None
Processing Time: One (1) business day
Fee: None
Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
  1. Complete the prescribed Business Name Search

  2. The completed Business Name Search must be physically submitted to the Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property.

  3. The application will be reviewed and approved (or not approved) by the Registrar of Companies.

  4. The applicant collects the processed application form from the Registry of Companies and Intellectual Property.
Requirements: Applicants must be 18 years and older.
Notes: Applicants must be 18 years and older.