Government of Saint Lucia

Apply for new electrical installation (Homes/Domestic)

Description: This service is utilized for connection of electricity service/electrical installation for your home/ domestic dwelling.
Category: Citizenship/Residency
Office: Electrical Services
Deadline Date: None
Processing Time: 8 – 10 days
Phone: (758) 468-4322
Fee: Calculated based on information given on Form E – Application for Inspection of an Electrical Installation
Hours: 8:00 a.m – 4:30 p.m.
  1. Before wiring your home, contact a licensed electrician. To ensure that the electrician is licensed, contact the Electrical Department at the Ministry of Infrastructure, Port Services and Transport at the above contact number.

  2. After electrical installation of your home is completed, the Licensed Electrician is to complete Form D – Notification of intention to work on new installation. This should then be submitted to the Ministry of Infrastructure, Port Services and Transport.

  3. A visit to your home site will be undertaken by an Electrical inspector to test the

  4. electrical installation usually eight (8) days after Form D is received. You may or may not be contacted, but it is advisable that the inspector be requested to produce ID.

  5. The electrical inspector then fills out Form E – Application for Inspection of an Electrical Installation and the amount charged will be determined. Payment is then made to the Accounts Section of the Ministry of Infrastructure, Port Services and Transport as mandated by the Electrical Supply Act. [See Fees in extract of Act]

  6. Provided that all is in order, the Electrical inspector issues a Certificate of Approval which is submitted to the St. Lucia Electricity Services Company (LUCELEC) for connection. Issuing of the Certificate of Approval will take a maximum of two (2) business days.

Requirements: Every new installation and every extension or replacement of any existing installation, unless otherwise prescribed by the Chief Electrical Inspector, shall comply with the standards fixed by the Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings issued by the Institution of Electrical Engineers
Notes: Every new installation and every extension or replacement of any existing installation, unless otherwise prescribed by the Chief Electrical Inspector, shall comply with the standards fixed by the Regulations for the Electrical Equipment of Buildings issued by the Institution of Electrical Engineers and approved by the Electricity Commissioners of Great Britain which are in force on the date of the completion of such installation, extension or replacement and are herein called the I.E.E. Regulations.